The unicorn journey starts with us. We utilize strong financial capabilities and a robust in-house Japanese network to support your business’s growth.

Our vision

Aristagora VC is a vertically agnostic early-stage VC. We support great teams from inception to growth by investing in cutting-edge technologies developed by Israeli tech companies. Aristagora VC aims to improve people’s lives through a never-ending search for products and services that increase sustainability and improve quality of life. We know how hard your journey is. We have been through it, and we would like to help you fulfill your vision. We are here to help in hard times and share the joy in good times. We conduct a transparent and honest process, and  we respect your time.

What are we looking for ?

Cutting-edge technologies from Israeli tech companies in a wide array of business verticals and industries







In Screening




Takeshi Shinoda

President & General Partner

Takeshi Shinoda operates out of Japan and Singapore. Shinoda-san is the owner and CEO of an asset management, private equity, and wealth management firm for Asian clients. He has a rich background in the fields of banking and investment banking. His presence in Japan and Singapore will help portfolio companies penetrate and grow within Asian markets, which tend to be particularly challenging for foreign companies to enter.

Gideon Ben-Zvi

Chairman of Investment Committee
Gideon Ben-Zvi, with decades of experience as an investor and as a serial entrepreneur, has founded and managed four start-ups — three of which made it through successful exits. Ben-Zvi is highly experienced in licensing technologies from academia and transforming them into successful initiatives within the external business world. Ben-Zvi currently serves as the CEO of Valens.

Moshe Sarfaty

Managing Partner
Moshe Sarfaty is a graduate of Yale University with years of experience in early-stage technology investments as a former managing partner at Krypton VC, which focused on seed-stage technology investments. Hailing from the world of investment banking at Bank of America in New York, Sarfaty is a lecturer at higher education institutions in Israel and abroad. He is experienced in the worlds of banking and finance and works closely with start-ups from around the world, supporting them from inception to initial revenue stage.

Anat Tila Cherni

Managing Partner
Anat Tila Cherni brings 10 years of experience in the fields of technology investments, capital markets, and investment banking. She previously led the Asia Desk at Discount Capital Underwriting. Tila Cherni has vast experience in consulting for Asian-based investors and in leading investment deals for Israeli technology companies.

our Portfolio


In the Media

פריאפט תעזור להורים לילדים עם ADHD לקצר את משך הזמן להשגת איזון תרופתי

הסטטיסטיקה העדכנית קובעת כי אחד מכל עשרה ילדים מאובחנים עם הפרעות קשב. פריאפט הישראלית מפתחת מערכת בינה מלאכותית שתאפשר למשפחות לקצר את תהליך התאמת התרופה לילד ולשפר את המעקב אחרי המצב שלו. זיו אלול, מנכ”ל פריאפט: “יש לנו חזון גדול, צוות רעב, ובאמת באנו לעשות טוב”

In the Media

”אנחנו מחפשים יזמים שלא יפחדו להגיד שהם לא יודעים”

הדוברים: משה צרפתי וענת תילא צ’רני, המנהלים את קרן Aristagora VC. במדור ”חד-קרן” אנחנו מעניקים חשיפה בכל חודש לקרן אחרת, כדי להכיר אותה ואת האנשים שלה מקרוב יותר, ולהבין מה גורם לה להשקיע בסטארטאפים ומה מדליק נורות אזהרה

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